A ‘Marvel’ous end to the Avengers. The Avengers Endgame Review (Spoilers!) - The Beats


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Monday, April 29, 2019

A ‘Marvel’ous end to the Avengers. The Avengers Endgame Review (Spoilers!)

Image Source - Marvel
#DontSpoilTheEndgame was trending everywhere. The Endgame storm was absorbing everything in its path. And the fans were doing their best in dodging spoilers and ignoring leaked movies (thank you internet!). The Avengers Endgame may very well turn out to be the most successful movie ever as it has already smashed the opening week record in box office history by generating $1.2 billion worldwide. It also received excellent critic as well as fan reviews overall. This movie stands true to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how it has built its own niche in the movie industry. Never have I seen so many grown people cry.

Please note- Do not read the review any further if you are yet to watch the movie. It will spoil your fun.

The movie is of two halves. This is a perfect sum up of what to expect from it. While the first half is pretty laid back, fun, unexpected, informal; it lays the foundation of the second half and it does so quite splendidly. The opening shot shows how Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) goes through the traumatic event of losing his family and eventually end up as Ronin, a lethal killing machine hell bent of killing bad people. The movie then unfolds rather nonchalantly as we delve deeper into the theories of the quantum realm and time travel. As predicted, Captain Marvel rescues Iron Man from deep space. We also see a very early end to Thanos, which makes us question the events that will place ahead in the movie. A very surprised Ant-Man is rescued by a very unlikely guest! And he arrives with a plan (a pretty absurd sounding one at first). The plan is to make use of the quantum realm as a mode of travelling through time to attain the infinity stones.

The Avengers are pretty successful in getting the stones back (the same could not be said of Black Widow), but while getting the stones back, they also bring Thanos back with them. This causes a whole lot of trouble for them. Hulk plays the role of God as he brings everyone back to life. There is a huge showdown between the Avengers and Thanos and his minions. Each and every member had to play a pivotal role in this hodgepodge of heroes and villains and the frantic chase for the infinity gauntlet. One man plays the most important role of them all, Tony Stark aka Iron Man. His sacrifice saves the entire universe. This was the only way that it could have happened and Doctor Strange had seen the end. The movie ends with bitter-sweet memories that moisten the eyes of even the sternest of fans.

The Russo Brothers have given a fitting farewell to the Avengers and to the fans. They have delivered what was expected of them and more. This movie was almost the perfect movie. Why I have mentioned this is because of the fact that there are some points that can be brought up. Like Thor’s portrayal in the movie, Captain Marvel’s limited role, the ridiculousness of the time travel shenanigans and people wanting more screen time for their favourite characters (guess they would have to wait for the individual films to release). But hey! When watching a superhero movie, you should think like a superhero. The above points are not meant to denounce the beauty of the film; they are merely a fan’s view on what he/she could have expected more from the film.

The first half of the Endgame is something that you may never have seen in a Marvel movie. It is so nonchalant and unique that you would at times forget that it’s a superhero movie. But it plays a perfect role in laying the groundwork for the second half. And the second half was everything that a fan expected from it. The movie was so well done that even if a person is seeing a Marvel movie for the first time, he/she would be able to relate to it. The visual and sound effects were so good that you would never have given a thought to it. That’s the example of a job done perfectly. ‘Love You 3000’; this dialogue sets the tone of the entire movie.

This is the greatest tribute that the Avengers could have received. This movie is a masterpiece and it gives the perfect ending to the end.

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