Raise voice, bring the change - The Beats


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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Raise voice, bring the change

Water was flowing for more than an hour on May 4.

The tank of Ranchoddas Road Municipality school was overflowing for hours on May 4 post 10 PM. It was noticed that no watchman was present to close the tap and stop the flow. Where on one side villagers have to go deeper in the wells for a bucket of water, here the same water was being wasted in large quantity.  

After making many calls to BMC office — as they were pointing fingers to each other and running from their responsibility — it seemed useless. Later when the images and tweets were shared on social media, there was a change. 

A local social worker, Vinod Ware made sure that the flow was stopped. He got the BMC officers and police to do so. The watchman was found drunk, as a complaint against him is registered. Today, on May 5, there was not a single drop of water on the street. 

Image of the same road on May 5.

Although criticism is one of the pillar in democracy, raising your own voice can bring a change.

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